jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2023


Honestly great vacations I have not had in my short life and I will not make up a story like I did when I was little, it sounds sad but, well, I will tell you about my best concert, last year I went to the concert of harry style, I know, he is fantastic, I think it is unnecessary to say who he is, but in simple words he is a handsome man who sings pop music and was in the band one direction and is Louis Tomlinson's boyfriend.

I enjoyed every moment of the concert, well the delay was a bit chaotic, since I was from 7am to 9pm making a huge line, because one does not have so much money to buy such exclusive tickets, so I went to general court, and there I was, waiting since the morning in a line without being able to go to the bathroom or eat decently, but you know what, I do not regret anything, I saw my favorite artist with my friend luiza paranhos with "nh" and with my cousin Emi, I was without voice after the concert so much screaming the songs.

sábado, 2 de septiembre de 2023


Hello my latin people, today I will talk about the country I would like to visit, first I will tell you the reason why I want to go to this country, many years ago when I was 10 years old I played a video game on Playstation, called tomb raider and to this day has been my favorite game saga but that's another topic, that game is set in Italy, all the drama and action takes place in this country, and from there I became obsessed.

 When I grew up I realized that it is a very beautiful country and has a very delicious cuisine and one of my favorite foods which is pasta, I would like to go to live in this country because apart from all the good things it has, the main reason would be to support the arts and the importance it has, and the first thing I would do there is to look for a dance company and grow as a dancer in that country.

Post 4: time travel to the past or future

Hello my latin people, today it's time to talk about time travel, to the past or to the future, what a thoughtful question, where woul...